Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy

Posted: November 18, 2011 in anti-truth, corruption, cowardly traitor, lies, republicans, stupid

Right-wing con artist and fraudster James O’Keefe has hit a snag in his latest attempts to expose “institutions of the American left.”

It seems no one wants to give the little scumbag money.  His so-called “Project Veritas” (the name itself an irony), has run into funding problems and infighting.  Read on...

Well, it was bound to happen.  See, the problem with trying to expose “liberal corruption” is that the people you’re “exposing” tend to be well educated and, let’s face it, much smarter than him.  The insignificant little lizard ran into a snag recently when he tried to run a sting against the Economic Policy Institute.  Unfortunately for him, he’s already well known in liberal circles and they were on to his lies.

O’Keefe, of course, made a name for himself producing doctored videos and ruining the lives of people much better than he will ever be.  Here’s hoping this brings down his fraudulent little racket.

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